Monday, September 3, 2012

Welcome Health Occupations Class!

Complete the following tasks for this week's web lesson (Assignment needs to be turned in via email to Mrs. Hammang by Friday 8:00 AM)

1) Compose a five paragraph essay discussing three reasons why it might be beneficial for future health care workers to study the history of medicine
     a) 5 points- Introduction paragraph is present and clearly introduces the topic with appropriate writing mechanics and spelling. 
     b) 15 points-Body of essay contains three arguments, each clearly describing the student's point of view with adequate discussion and supporting examples. Appropriate writing mechanics and spellling used. 
     c) 5 points-Conclusion paragraph is present and clearly summarizes the topics in the body of the essay with appropriate writing mechanics and spelling. 

You can go to sites like the following to see medical history timelines:
a) History of Medicine Timeline
b)Wikipedia Timeline

2)Reflect on the medical discoveries you feel made the largest contributions to mankind. Develop a "Top 10 List" of the medical discoveries or contributions that you feel made the biggest impact on the advancement of health care (i.e. #1 should be your greatest discovery). Fro each medical discovery, compose a paragraph describing who made the contribution, how the discovery was made, etc. Also, discuss why you feel this discovery was significant. 
     a) 3 points (for each of your ten medical discoveries): each paragraph should be three to five quality sentences . 
     b) 5 points: resources are cited (Put the information into your own words!)
     c) 5 points: naming your document correctly and submitting it correctly to

How to Submit Your Assignment:
a. Attach your final document in an email to your instructor:
b. Save it with the following name: 2012-09-03-Health-Occs-lastname